Brinda review: Trisha spearheads an engulfing investigation thriller around Karma and Killings which probes to reflect on our belief system!

Brinda review: Trisha spearheads an engulfing investigation thriller around Karma and Killings which probes to reflect on our belief system!

Brinda review: Trisha spearheads an engulfing investigation thriller around Karma and Killings which probes to reflect on our belief system!

What: Brinda, played by Trisha Krishnan, is a taciturn police inspector with ghosts from her traumatic past. The ugly childhood memories haunt her to insomnia and her recluse nature is mistaken as her attitude problem.

When an investigation assigned to her insinuates a case of serial murder, Brinda gets drawn into it at deeper levels and navigates a complex web of suspense, twists and turns. What initially looks like the doings of a deranged serial killer turns out to be more sinister and terrifying as her Brinda and her accomplice, Sarathi (Ravindra Vijay) unravel during their pursuit. Brinda also discovers something very uncannily personal as she zeroes down on the suspects.


Brinda review

Sony Liv

The 8-part web series is helmed by debutant writer-director Surya Manoj Vangala who conjures a dense and intriguing narrative with immense script detailing, keeping the unpredictability quotient high. Playing deftly with the arcs of each of the characters, Vangala surrounds his female protagonist with an array of talented actors – Ravindra Vijay of Family Man fame plays Sarathie gripped with both personal and professional woes. Jay Prakash as Raghu, Anand Sami as Thakur, Indrajit Sukumar as Kabir and lyricist-actor Rakend Mouli do register an impact with their performances.

Even when the run time of each episode spills over 50 minutes, you are too investigated in the story and the momentum of connecting the dots.

Trisha Krishnan adorns Brinda with a lot of built-in vulnerability. She may be low on physicality and look weary, exhausted as per the cinematic demands of a troubled cop character but is high on wisdom and instincts which propel her in the quest of truth.

Brinda – final words

Brinda is cerebral layered, bold and daring as it challenges our conventional thoughts around religion and rituals. It pushes the envelope of storytelling in the Telugu film industry.

I go with 4 stars out of 5 for Brinda. The web series is streaming on Sony LIV from 2nd August 2024.


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Rating : 4/5

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About Ahwaan Padhee

Ahwaan Padhee

Ahwaan Padhee, is an IT Techie/Business Consultant by profession and a film critic/cinephile by passion, is also associated with Radio Playback as well, loves writing and conducting movie quizzes. More By Ahwaan Padhee

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