Shah Rukh Khan made his Bollywood debut in 1992 with Deewana. Fans of the actor would also remember that the first film he signed was actually Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman but it was released later. However, neither was the first film he was seen in.
The film centred on Anand ‘Annie’ Grover (Arjun Raina), an architecture student at Delhi’s School of Planning and Architecture, who is at loggerheads with his principal YD Bilimoria (Roshan Seth).
The Pradip Krishen directorial was written by future Booker Prize-winner Arundhati Roy, who also starred as the film’s female lead Radha. Shah Rukh made a two-scene appearance in the beginning of the film, playing a gay, effeminate senior.
The 90s’ SRK had that sorted but the 23-year-old rookie Shah Rukh was overwhelmed by it. The film was made for TV and never released theatrically. It was shown on Doordarshan, the national broadcaster in 1989. By then, Shah Rukh had already gained some fame through his popular TV show Fauji apart from appearances in a number of other TV shows.