Ulajh movie review: A startlingly ham -fisted exercise that makes you wish for partial amnesia

Ulajh movie review: A startlingly ham -fisted exercise that makes you wish for partial amnesia

Ulajh movie review: A startlingly ham -fisted exercise that makes you wish for partial amnesia    

What: ‘Ulajh’the spy drama starring Janhvi Kapoor in lead along with Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Mathew, Rajesh Tailang, Adil Hussain and Vivek Sharma is a startlingly ham -fisted spy drama that wishes you have a partial amnesia for two hours and thirty minutes.

‘Ulajh’ directed by a new Bollywood peacenik Sudhanshu Saria lacks thrills, coherence and style in this unintentionally funny ham – fisted exercise.

Ulajh movie synopsis

Young Suhana Bhatia (Janhvi Kapoor) gets appointed as the Deputy High Commissioner of India in UK. A chef Nakul Bhatia (Gulshan Devaiah) charms his way into her life and Suhaha finds herself trapped in the wicked plans of the ISI.


Ulajh movie review

Junglee Pictures

A misfire, mistake right from the word go, ‘Ulajh’ is beyond the ‘samaj’ of a normal cinegoer who wants to watch a spy thriller.

Let’s start from the title – ‘Ulajh’ (kya ‘ulajh’ it should have been either ‘uljhan’ or ‘uljha’) yeah, we know it means entangled but in simple average Hindi it sounds incomplete.

Further, I don,t understand in which world these Bollywood peaceniks live, the recent reports of Indian cricket team refusing to go to Pakistan for the champions trophy is an indication that things can turn volatile between these two nations anytime.

After ‘Tiger 3, in ‘Ulajh’ also we have a Pakistani PM favoring peace and harmony, the newly elected Vazir E Azam of Pakistan (played by Vivek Sharma in the film) desires to have a no war treaty between India and Pakistan. (You can laugh if you are still here and pls continue to read you will get more chances to giggle).

‘Single ready to mingle’ that’s one of the salient features of the bio data as told on phone by the antagonist Nakul Bhatia (Gulshan Devaiah) to the Deputy High Commisioner of India in UK Suhana Bhatia (Janhvi Kapoor).

A kind of a ‘love j&^%@’ happens with Suhana mastermind by Nakul Bhatia and imagine the house of such a high-profile Government officer from India having zero security and no cameras.

The Bollywood peaceniks over here – writer director Sudhanshu Saria and his co-writer Parveez Shaikh display height of juvenility in their thought and approach.

‘Uljah’ is an example how a spy movie can be such an illogical, irritating and a crashing bore. Cinema like this should not be called cinema, this is not entertainment this is torturetainment.

Want to see the PM of Pakistan on target in India by ISI and saved by the Deputy High Commissioner of India in UK…

This movie is for you

The actors have done their job but their characters lack spine.  

Janhvi Kapoor in lead is not bad. Gulshan Devaiah, Roshan Mathew, Rajesh Tailang, Adil Hussain and Vivek Sharma all are fine in this unintentionally funny spy drama. After getting a shock, feeling bored and irritated, I started laughing in the end for the amount of proudly crazy stupid juvenility happening on the screen. What a hoot.

Picture this

The Chief of Raw comes to the Deputy High Commissioner of India in UK and says, “ You should lead this mission secretly, no one will come to know that you are investigating, this will bring the surprise element”.

Trust me, most of the people present at the press screening including me were either laughing or smiling in disbelief.

Going for a disastrous 0.5 rating for this blunder of ghanghor proportions


Rating : 0.5/5

Director :
Production House :
Actress :

About vishal verma

vishal verma

A child born from life & fed by cinema. A filmi keeda from child & a film journalist for the last fifteen years. a father, seeker, foodie who loves crooning bollywood melodies twitter.com/cineblues More By vishal verma

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